Home - Petroleum Products - Carbon Price Adjustment

Pursuant to the federal Clean Fuel Regulations, the Government of Canada has directed carbon intensity reduction requirements in respect to gasoline and diesel motor fuels produced or imported into Canada effective July 1, 2023. The carbon intensity reduction requirements do not apply to heating fuels.

On June 23, 2023 the Petroleum Products Regulations in Newfoundland and Labrador were amended to require that the Board include a Carbon Price Adjustment in maximum prices for motor fuels and heating fuels to mitigate the costs incurred for wholesalers and retailers associated with the federal Clean Fuel Regulations.

The Carbon Price Adjustment is an additional cent per litre amount (currently set on an interim basis at 5.40 cents per litre and 6.02 cents per litre for gasoline and diesel, respectively, in most pricing zones) included in the Board’s calculation of maximum prices for gasoline and diesel motor fuels to cover increased costs to suppliers to comply with the federal Clean Fuel Regulations carbon intensity reduction requirements.


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