Section 7 of the
Petroleum Products Regulations to require the inclusion of a carbon price adjustment in the maximum price of motor fuels; and IN THE MATTER OF the carbon-intensity limit reductions mandated in the Clean Fuel Regulations (Canada) effective January 1, 2024
In the matter of retail maximum prices for full-serve gasoline motor fuel
and stove oil heating fuel chargeable by
Black Tickle Convenience and Gas Inc. in
Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker
IN THE MATTER OF the retail maximum
prices for full-serve gasoline motor fuel
and stove oil heating fuel chargeable by Black Tickle Convenience and Gas Inc. in Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker Supplied).
Retail maximum
prices for full-serve gasoline motor fuel
and stove oil heating fuel chargeable by
Black Tickle Convenience and Gas Inc. in Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker
Maximum price adjustments for gasoline and diesel motor fuels and stove oil heating fuel in Zones 10, 11, 11a, 11b, 12 and 14 shall be suspended as of the scheduled maximum price adjustment effective 12:01 a.m. January 5, 2023, until further order of the Board.
An application from Black Tickle Convenience and Gas Inc. for an increase in the retail maximum price for full-serve gasoline motor fuel in Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker Supplied) pursuant to Section 8 of the Petroleum Products Act; and
IN THE MATTER OF an alternative pricing methodology for stove oil heating fuel maximum prices in Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker Supplied) pursuant to Section 14.(2.6) of the Petroleum Products Regulations.
Alternative pricing methodology for stove oil heating fuel and gasoline motor fuel maximum prices in Zone 11a - Coastal Labrador South (Tanker Supplied) pursuant
to Section 14.(2.6) of the Petroleum Products
The retail maximum
prices for stove oil heating fuel and full-serve
gasoline motor fuel chargeable by Black Tickle
Convenience and Gas Inc. in Zone 11a - Coastal
Labrador South (Tanker Supplied).
Temporary increase in the retail portion of the total allowed mark-up for diesel motor fuel and stove oil heating fuel in Zones 13 and 13a approved in Order No. P.P. 26(2022).
Lifting of the suspension of maximum price adjustments, setting of maximum retail prices and re-suspension of maximum price adjustments for gasoline in Zones 10, 11 and 11b.
The suspension of maximum price adjustments for gasoline and diesel motor fuels and stove oil heating fuel implemented pursuant to Order Nos. P.P. 48(2022) and P.P. 66(2022) is lifted, effective 12:01 a.m. December 9, 2022, until further order of the Board.
The retail portion of the total allowed mark-up that can be charged by retailers in Zones 10, 11, 11a, 11b, 12 and 14 for gasoline motor fuel is approved on an interim basis, as set out below, effective December 9, 2022, until further order of the Board.
Temporary increase in the retail portion of the total allowed mark-up for gasoline motor fuel in Zones 10, 11, 11a, 11b, 12 and 14 approved in Order No. P.P. 99(2022).
Matter A request by Highlands Fuel Delivery G.P., dba Irving Energy pursuant to section 28 of the regulations under the Public Utilities Act for the Board to reconsider Order No. P.P. 38(2020). Decision
The total allowed mark-up for regulated propane for Irving Energy in Zone 1ANE - Avalon Peninsula Northeast, Zone 1 ANW - Avalon Peninsula Northwest and Zone 1AS - Avalon Peninsula South will increase by 7.46 cents per litre above the interim total allowed mark-up for regulated propane for Irving Energy approved in Order No. P.P. 38(2020), effective 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, January 7, 2021, on an interim basis, until further Order of the Board.
Irving Energy shall continue to provide to the Board, by the 1st of each month, an update on the circumstances related to the supply of regulated propane by Irving Energy to Zone 1ANE - Avalon Peninsula Northeast, Zone 1ANW - Avalon Peninsula Northwest and Zone 1AS Avalon Peninsula South, setting out any changes to the method of supply and the associated costs.
1. The adjustments to the total allowed mark-ups for propane heating fuel set by the Board on an interim basis in Order Nos. P.P. 38(2020), P.P. 42(2020), P.P. 48(2020) and P.P. 1(2021), as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are rescinded effective 12:00 a.m. Thursday, May 6, 30 2021.
2. The total allowed mark-ups for propane heating fuel for all suppliers are adjusted as set out in Schedule A to this Order, effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, May 6, 2021, on an interim basis, until a further Order of the Board.
3. Irving Energy, North Atlantic and Superior Propane shall continue to provide to the Board, by the 1st of each month, an update on the circumstances related to the supply of propane heating fuel for their respective operations, setting out any changes to the method of supply and the associated costs.
1. The suspension of maximum price adjustments for diesel motor fuel and stove oil heating fuel in Zone 12 (Central Labrador) and for all fuels in Zone 11a (Labrador South - Tanker Supplied) and Zone 14 (Coastal Labrador North) is lifted, effective 12:01 a.m. June 10, 2021.
2. The benchmark used in maximum prices for stove oil heating fuel in Zone 11a (Coastal Labrador South - Tanker Supplied) and Zone 14 (Coastal Labrador North) shall be 100% Platts New York Barge ULSKero, effective 12:01 a.m. June 10, 2021.
3. The maximum wholesale prices will be adjusted on an interim basis effective 12:01 a.m. June 10, 2021, with corresponding changes in maximum retail prices, to reflect the following interim increases in zone differentials and mark-ups, until further order of the Board:
4. Maximum price adjustments in Zone 10 (Labrador - The Straits to Red Bay), Zone 11 (Labrador - Lodge Bay / Cartwright), Zone 11a (Coastal Labrador South - Tanker Supplied), Zone 11b (Coastal Labrador South - Drum Delivery), Zone 12 (Central Labrador) and Zone 14 (Coastal Labrador North) shall be suspended as of June 10, 2021 for all fuels, except propane, until further order of the Board.
1. The maximum wholesale prices for gasoline and diesel motor fuels will be adjusted on an interim basis effective 12:01 a.m., Thursday, July 29, 2021, with corresponding changes in maximum retail prices, to reflect the following interim increases in zone differentials, until further order of the Board:
1. The suspension of maximum price adjustments for gasoline and diesel motor fuels and stove oil heating fuel implemented pursuant to Order No. P.P. 25(2021) is lifted, effective 12:01 a.m. November 25, 2021.
2. Maximum price adjustments in Zones 10, 11, 11a, 11b, 12 and 14 shall be suspended as of 12:01 a.m. November 25, 2021 for gasoline and diesel motor fuels and stove oil heating fuel, until further order of the Board.
In Zone 11 (Labrador South - Lodge Bay/Cartwright) the maximum price that can be charged by Gateway Ventures Limited and M&K Cartwright Ltd. for gasoline shall, on an interim basis, be as set out in Schedule "A" attached to this Order, effective immediately until further order of the Board.
In Zone 11 (Labrador South - Lodge Bay/Cartwright) the maximum price that can be charged by Gateway Ventures Limited and M&K Cartwright Ltd. for gasoline shall, on an interim basis, be as set out in Schedule "A" attached to this Order, effective 12:01 am Thursday, March 26, 2020, until further order of the Board.
The maximum wholesale price that can be charged for gasoline, diesel and stove oil in Zone 10 (Labrador - The Straits to Red Bay), Zone 11 (Labrador South - Lodge Bay/Cartwright), Zone 11b (Coastal Labrador South - Drum Delivery) and Zone 12 (Central Labrador) shall be as set out in Schedule "A" attached to this Order, effective 12:01 a.m. April 16, 2020, until further order of the Board.
The maximum price established in Order No. P.P. 14(2020) to be charged by Gateway Ventures Limited and M&K Cartwright Ltd., for gasoline in Zone 11 is discontinued.
1. The total allowed mark-up for regulated propane for Irving Energy in Zone 1ANE - Avalon Peninsula Northeast, Zone 1ANW - Avalon Peninsula Northwest and Zone 1AS - Avalon Peninsula South will increase by 9.77 cents per litre effective 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, August 20, 2020, on an interim basis, until a further Order of the Board.
2. Irving Energy shall provide to the Board by the 1st of each month, commencing on September 1, 2020, an update on the circumstances related to the supply of regulated propane by Irving Energy to Zone 1ANE - Avalon Peninsula Northeast, Zone 1ANW - Avalon Peninsula Northwest and Zone 1AS - Avalon Peninsula South, setting out any changes to the method of supply and the associated costs.
Order: 1. The total allowed mark-ups for regulated propane for North Atlantic will increase as set out below, effective 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2020, on an interim basis, until a further Order of the Board.
Increases to North Atlantic’s Total Allowed Mark-Ups by Pricing Zone (cents per litre)
2. North Atlantic shall provide to the Board by the 1st of each month, commencing on October 1, 2020, an update on the circumstances related to the supply of regulated propane by North Atlantic to the pricing zones noted in the table above, setting out any changes to the method of supply and the associated costs.
1. The total allowed mark-ups for regulated propane for Superior Propane will increase as set out below, effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, October 8, 2020, on an interim basis, until a further Order of the Board.
Increases to Superior Propane’s Total Allowed Mark-Ups by Pricing Zone (cents per litre)
2. Superior Propane shall provide to the Board by the 1st of each month, commencing on November 1, 2020, an update on the circumstances related to the supply of regulated propane by Superior Propane to the pricing zones noted in the table above, setting out any changes to the method of supply and the associated costs.
The wholesale mark-ups in all zones on the island shall increase, on an interim basis, by 5.0 cents per litre for gasoline and by 4.0 cents per litre for diesel, furnace oil, and stove oil, with corresponding increases in the total allowed mark-ups included in maximum prices, effective 12:01 a.m. October 29, 2020, until further order of the Board.
1. Maximum wholesale prices will be adjusted on an interim basis, effective 12:01 a.m. November 26, 2020, with corresponding changes in maximum prices, to reflect the following interim increases in the differentials:
2. The benchmark used in maximum prices for stove oil heating fuel shall be 100% Platts New
York Barge ULSKero in all zones in Labrador, except Zones 11a and 14, effective 12:01a.m. November 26, 2020. 3. Maximum price adjustments in Zones 10, 11, 11b and 12 shall be suspended for all fuels
except propane heating fuel, effective 12:01 a.m. November 26, 2020, until further order of the Board.