The Motor Carrier Act

Chapter M - 19, 1990 


   Applicant                                                                                                                                               M.C. 1 (2010)


               Approval of the transfer of beneficial ownership of the shares Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3553, MacKenzie Ambulance Service Inc., from Applicant to MASI Holdings Limited.


               The application for the transfer of the beneficial ownership of the shares of the holder of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3553, MacKenzie Ambulance Service Inc., from Applicant to MASI Holdings Limited is approved.

      Date Issued:

               April 16, 2010



   Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority                                                                 M.C. 2 (2010)


               Legislative changes under the Hospitals Act (1971) and the Regional Health Authorities Act (2006), have resulted in the amalgamation of Motor Carrier Certificate No 5932 and Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3543. and requires re-issuance of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3543 under the name Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority.


               Motor Carrier Certificate No. 5932 issued to Captain William Jackman Memorial Hospital and Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3543 issued to Grenfell Regional Health Services be and they are hereby amalgamated under the Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3543 and Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3543 under the name Grenfell Regional Health Services be re-issued under the name Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority.

      Date Issued:

               April 20, 2010



   Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority                                                                 M.C. 3 (2010)


               Approval of a Motor Carrier Certificate to provide the following service:

IRREGULAR SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or registered nurse from Bell Island to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               April 27, 2010



   Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited                                                                                                   M.C. 4 (2010)


               Approval of a Motor Carrier Certificate to provide the following service:

1.       IRREGULAR SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or a registered nurse from Bonavista, Old and New Bonaventure, Dunfield, Trinity, Port Rexton, Trinity East, Champney’s East, West and Central, English Harbour, Melrose, Catalina, Port Union, Knight’s Cove, Stock Cove, Dantera, Keels, Little Catalina, Trouty, Lockston, and Broad Cove to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; and

2.       IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or a registered nurse from Clarenville, Hillview, Ivany’s Cove, Long Beach, Little Heart’s Ease, Butter Cove, North Harbour, Sunnyside, Southern Harbour, Charlottetown, Deep Bight, Hatchet Cove, North West Brook, Caplin Cove, Southport, Goobies, Garden Cove, Come-by-Chance, Chance Cove, Shoal Harbour, Adeytown, St. Jones Within, Queen’s Cove, Hodge’s Cove, Gooseberry Cove, Swift Current, Arnold’s Cove, Port Blandford, Milton, Lethbridge, George’s Brook, Apsey Brook, Bunyan’s Cove, Musgravetown, Portland, Charleston, Princeton, Plate Cove West, Tickle Cove, Elliotts Cove, Harcourt, Cannings Cove, Jamestown, Sweet Bay, Summerville, Openhall, King’s Cove, Snook’s Harbour, Monroe, Burgoynes, Bloomfield, Winterbrook, Southern Bay, Plate Cove East, Red Cliff, Siding, Little Harbour, Island Cove, Black Cove, Barton, Sommerset, Gin Cove, Waterville, Clifton, Brooklyn, La Manche, Rantem, Goose Bay, Morley’s Siding, Terrenceville, Monkstown, Grand Le Pierre English Harbour, Amherst Cove, Birchy Cove (Bonavista Bay), Elliston, Elliston Point, Lancaster, Maberly (Trinity Bay), Middle Amherst Cove, Newmans Cove, Paradise (Bonavista Bay), Spillars Cove, Upper Amherst Cove, Arnold’s Cove Station, Goose Cove (Placentia Bay), Davis Cove (Placentia Bay), Black River (Placentia Bay), Little Harbour East (Placentia Bay) Mills Siding, New Burnt Cove (Trinity Bay), Ramdom Heights, Thorburn Lake, Plate Cove, Champney’s Arm, and Goose Cove (Trinity Bay) to  any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


               Approval granted as a result of a meeting of the Board.

      Date Issued:

               May 7, 2010



   Applicant                                                                                                                                               M.C. 5 (2010)


               Application to discontinue service under Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6340 conditional on the granting of a licence to operate the same service to Tremblett’s Ambulance Service Ltd.


               Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6340 issued to Applicant is cancelled with effect from May 26, 2010.

      Date Issued:

               May 26, 2010



Fewer’s Holdings Ltd.,                                                                                                                            M.C. 6 (2010)

   formerly Fewer’s Funeral Home Limited


               Application to discontinue service under Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3574 conditional on the granting of a licence to operate the same service to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited


               Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3574 issued to Fewer’s Holdings Ltd., formerly Fewer’s Funeral Home Limited is cancelled with effect from May 26, 2010.

      Date Issued:

               May 26, 2010



   Labrador Ambulance Services Limited                                                                                               M.C. 7 (2010)


               Approval of an amendment to Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6392 :

                     TO AMEND:

IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or registered nurse from Happy Valley–Goose Bay, Northwest River, Sheshatshit, and any point on Highway Route No. 520 to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

                     TO READ:

IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or registered nurse from Happy Valley–Goose Bay, North West River, Sheshatshit, any point on Route 520, any point on Route 500 between Goose Bay and the intersection of Route 500 and 510 and any point on Route 510 from intersection of Route 500 to and including Paradise River, and Cartwright to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of  a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


               The application of Labrador Ambulance Services Limited is approved and an amendment to Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6392 will be issued as follows:

IRREGULAR ROUTE SPECIALTY AMBULANCE SERVICE for the transportation of persons requiring medical attention or under medical care upon the request of a medical doctor or registered nurse from Happy Valley–Goose Bay, North West River, Sheshatshit and any point on Route 520, and from any point on Route 510 between and including Paradise River and Cartwright in the east to Happy Valley–Goose Bay in the west, to any hospital, nursing home, first aid station or home for senior citizens and upon the specific request of  a medical doctor, registered nurse or a police officer between any two points within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

      Date Issued:

               May 26, 2010



Applicant                                                                                                                                                  M.C. 8 (2010)


               Approval of the transfer of beneficial share ownership of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3546, issued in the name of Tryco Limited, to Tryco Holdings Limited.


               The application for the transfer of the beneficial ownership of the shares of the holder of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3546, Tryco Limited, from Applicant to Tryco Holdings Limited is approved.

      Date Issued:

               May 26, 2010



Applicant                                                                                                                                                  M.C. 9 (2010)


               Application for approval of the transfer of beneficial ownership of the shares of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 4859, issued in the name of Mercer’s Ambulance Service Limited, from the Applicants to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited.


               The application for the transfer of the beneficial ownership of the shares of the holder of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 4859, Mercer’s Ambulance Service Limited, from Applicants to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited is approved.

      Date Issued:

               June 10, 2010



Applicant                                                                                                                                                  M.C. 10 (2010)


               Application for approval of the transfer of beneficial ownership of the shares of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6408, issued in the name of Tremblett’s Ambulance Service Ltd., from the Applicant to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited.


               The application for the transfer of the beneficial ownership of the shares of the holder of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 6408, Tremblett’s Ambulance Service Ltd., from Applicant to Fewer’s Ambulance Service Limited is approved.

      Date Issued:

               June 10, 2010



Central Regional Integrated Health Authority                                                                                      M.C. 11 (2010)


Legislative changes under the Hospitals Act (1971) and the Regional Health Authorities Act (2006) have resulted in the amalgamation of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3564 and Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3567 and requires re-issuance of Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3564 under the name Central Regional Integrated Health Authority.


1.       Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3564 issued to Central West Health Corporation and Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3567 issued to James Paton Memorial Hospital be and are hereby amalgamated under Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3564.

2.       Motor Carrier Certificate No. 3564 under the name Central West Health Corporation be re-issued under the name Central Regional Integrated Health Authority.

      Date Issued:

               July 6, 2010



Dorman Roberts Ltd.                                                                                                                              M.C. 12 (2010)


Application for approval of revised rates for its trans-island passenger bus service.


1.       The proposed rate increase of 12% for separate fare public passenger bus transportation service on the trans-island route is not approved.

2.       The continuation of the fuel surcharge provision is approved.

3.       The proposal for an annual automatic adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index is not approved.

      Date Issued:

               September 15, 2010


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