P.U 24(2000-2001)





Utilities Act, (the "Act"); and


IN THE MATTER OF an application, as amended, by

Newfoundland Power Inc. (the “Applicant”) for an order

pursuant to Sections 41, 78 and 80 of the Act:

(a)  (i) approving its 2001 capital budget; (ii) approving leases for 2001 in excess of $5,000 per year; and (iii) approving; and

(b)  (i) fixing and determining its average rate base for 1999 in the amount of $505,688,000; (ii) approving its revised forecast average rate base for 2000 in the amount of $518,724,000; and (iii) approving its forecast average rate base for 2001 in the amount of $526,065,000; and

(c)  approving revised values for rate base and invested capital for use in the automatic adjustment formula (the “Automatic Adjustment Formula”) for the calculation of return on rate base for 2001 pursuant to Orders No. P.U. 16 and 36 (1998-99) and No. P. U. 18 (1999-2000).




            WHEREAS Section 41 of the Act requires that a public utility shall submit an annual capital budget of proposed improvements or additions to its property to the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (the "Board") for its approval not later than the 15th day of December in each year for the next calendar year; and


            WHEREAS Section 78 of the Act provides that the Board may fix and determine the rate base of a public utility; and


            WHEREAS Section 80 of the Act provides a public utility is entitled to earn annually a just and reasonable return on rate base as approved by the Board; and


            WHEREAS in Orders No. P.U. 16 and 36 (1998-99), the Board provided for an automatic adjustment formula to adjust rates annually based upon variations in the rate of return on rate base; and


            WHEREAS the Applicant submitted its original application on August 15, 2000, and on September 22, 2000, the Board conducted a public hearing to consider the application in its Hearings Room in St. John's; and


            WHEREAS the Board requested additional information of the Applicant with respect to the matters contained in the application which information was provided to the Board by the Applicant; and


            WHEREAS the Board retained the firm of Grant Thornton LLP to review the application and schedules and calculations contained therein; and


            WHEREAS Mr. William Brushett, C.A., of Grant Thornton filed an affidavit with the Board attaching the report (“Grant Thornton Report”) of their review; and


            WHEREAS the Grant Thornton Report confirmed the calculations in the application, including the calculations of forecast rate base and invested capital to be used in the automatic adjustment formula, and that the calculations are in accordance with P. U. 36 (1998-99) and P. U. 18 (1999-2000); and


            WHEREAS the Applicant was represented by Peter Alteen and Gerard Hayes, Counsel to the Applicant; and


            WHEREAS evidence in support of the application was presented by the following management of the Applicant: Philip Hughes, President and Chief Executive Officer; Barry Perry, Vice-President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer; John Evans, Vice-President, Engineering and Energy Supply; and Allan Skov, Manager, Information Services; and


            WHEREAS the evidence in support of the application provided details of the Applicant’s proposed 2001 Capital Budget; its 1999 rate base; and its forecast average rate base and average invested capital for 2000 and 2001; and


WHEREAS Randy Pelletier, LL.B., was present as Counsel to the Board; and


WHEREAS the Board received an intervention from Mr. David Power, Branch Manager, SONA Computer Inc., of St. John’s regarding certain tendering practices of the Applicant for personal computers; and


WHEREAS after hearing the intervenor and the Applicant’s response the Board cannot conclude on the basis of evidence before it that the tendering practices of the Applicant in this case were contrary to sound utility management; and


WHEREAS nonetheless, the Board feels that the Applicant ought to consider how it can make its tender process for personal computers more transparent and open to a wider range of suppliers; and


WHEREAS the Board has carefully considered all the evidence and comments.




1.         The Applicant's capital budget in the amount of $39,109,000 as set out in Schedule A hereto is hereby approved.

2.         The Applicant's proposed 2001 capital expenditures as set out in Schedule B hereto, are hereby approved.

3.         The Applicant's proposed 2001 lease in excess of $5,000 per year as set out in Schedule C is hereby approved.

4.         The Applicant’s rate base for the year ending December 31st, 1999 be hereby fixed and determined at $505,688,000.

5.         The Applicant’s forecast average rate bases for the year ending December 31st, 2000 of $518,724,000 and for the year ending December 31st, 2001 of $526,065,000 are hereby approved.

6.         The use of the forecast average rate base for 2001 of $526,065,000 and the forecast average invested capital for 2001 of $584,095,000 be approved for the purpose of calculating allowed return on rate base for 2001 using the automatic adjustment mechanism pursuant to Orders No. P.U. 16 and 36 (1998-99).

7.         The Applicant will present to the Board, in conjunction with the 2002 Capital Budget

application, an up-to-date status report on the 2001 capital expenditures showing, for each project,

i)                    the approved budget for 2001,

ii)                   the expenditures prior to 2001,

iii)                 the expenditures to the date of the application in 2001,

iv)                 the expected remaining expenditures in 2001,

v)                  the variance between the expected total expenditures and the approved budget, and

vi)                 an explanation of the variance.


8.         The Applicant will present an annual report to the Board on its 2001 capital expenditures within sixty (60) days after the end of the year 2001.

9.         All costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application shall be borne by the Applicant.


DATED at St. John's, Newfoundland, this 6th day of October, 2000 






Darlene Whalen, P.Eng.,





Raymond A. Pollett,





William Crosbie, P. Eng.,






G. Cheryl Blundon,

Board Secretary.



Schedule A



Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget

2001 Budget Summary



                                         Energy Supply                               $       5,419

                                         Substations                                            2,279                                

                                         Transmission                                          2,169

                                         Distribution                                          18,701

                                         General Property                                    1,723

                                         Transportation                                        1,866

                                         Telecommunications                                  683

                                         Information Systems                               3,619

                                         General Expenses Capital                       2,650


                                         Total                                            $     39,109        






Schedule B



Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






HYDRO PLANTS – FACILITY REHABILITATION                                  $1,443                 


THERMAL PLANTS – FACILITY REHABILITATION                                 253                 


HYDRO PLANT – SURGE TANK REPLACEMENT                                       900                 


HYDRO PLANT – PENSTOCK REPLACEMENT                                             55                 


HYDRO PLANT – RUNNER UPGRADE                                                           465                 


GREENHILL GAS TURBINE – REPLACE GOVERNOR                               511                 





MAJOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT REPAIRS                                            150                 


RELOCATE GAS TURBINE                                                                                30                 



TOTAL – ENERGY SUPPLY                                                                         $5,419





Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






REBUILD SUBSTATIONS                                                                               $869                 



      EQUIPMENT                                                                                                 134                 


RELIABILITY AND POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS                         120                 



      IMPROVEMENTS                                                                                        347                 



      IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM                                                                     553                 


ADDITIONS DUE TO LOAD GROWTH                                                           256                 



TOTAL – SUBSTATIONS                                                                             $2,279






Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






REBUILD TRANSMISSION LINES                                                             $2,094                 



      THIRD PARTIES                                                                                            75                 



TOTAL - TRANSMISSION                                                                           $2,169





Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






EXTENSIONS                                                                                                 $3,305                 


METERS                                                                                                              816                 


SERVICES                                                                                                         1,423                 


STREET LIGHTING                                                                                           913                 


TRANSFORMERS                                                                                           4,678                 


RECONSTRUCTION                                                                                       1,720                 



      Rebuild Distribution Lines                                                                              2,944                 

      Relocate/Replace Distribution Lines For Third Parties                                        301                 

      Distribution Reliability Initiative                                                                       1,856                 

      Improve Distribution System Protection/Operation                                            360                 

      Replace Underground Switches - Water Street, St. John’s                                285                 


INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION                                                           100                 



TOTAL - DISTRIBUTION                                                                          $18,701







Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT                                                                             $403                 


ADDITIONS TO REAL PROPERTY                                                                 570                 


ALLOWANCE FOR UNFORESEEN ITEMS                                                    750                 



TOTAL – GENERAL PROPERTY                                                                $1,723





Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






PURCHASE OF VEHICLES AND AERIAL DEVICES                               $1,866                 



TOTAL – TRANSPORTATION                                                                    $1,866





Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






FIBRE OPTIC NETWORKING                                                                       $384                 


SUBSTATION TELEPHONE CIRCUIT PROTECTION                                 154                 


REPLACE/UPGRADE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT                          145                 



TOTAL – TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                                           $683





Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget






APPLICATION ENHANCEMENTS                                                                $657           


APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT                                                                     480                 


BUSINESS SUPPORT SYSTEMS                                                                    1,163                 


PERSONAL COMPUTER INFRASTRUCTURE                                              473                 


INFRASTRUCTURE ENVIRONMENT                                                             162                 


SHARED SERVERS INFRASTRUCTURE                                                        575                 


INTERNET                                                                                                          109                 



TOTAL – INFORMATION SYSTEMS                                                         $3,619





Schedule C


Newfoundland Power Inc.

2001 Capital Budget

Leases over $5,000














5 Years




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