P.U.  37 (2000-2001)







R.S.N. 1990, c. P-47, as amended

(“the Act”)



IN THE MATTER OF the application by

Newfoundland Power Inc. (“the Applicant”)

for an Order, pursuant to Sections 58 and

80 and all other enabling powers of the

Act and Orders of the Board, approving

the disposition of revenue credited to

the Applicant’s excess revenue account

through a rebate to customers.







WHEREAS the Applicant is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a public utility within the meaning of the Act, and is also subject to the provisions of the Electrical Power Control Act, 1994 (EPCA); and


WHEREAS pursuant to Section 80 of the Act and by Order No. P. U. 20 (1999-2000) the Board approved an allowed return on rate base for the Applicant for 2000 of 10.28 per cent within a range of 10.10 per cent to 10.46 per cent; and


WHEREAS the Applicant’s System of Accounts as prescribed by the Board pursuant to Section 58 of the Act includes an Excess Revenue Account and by Order No. P. U. 25 (1999-2000), the Board approved a definition of the Excess Revenue Account which provides that the Excess Revenue Account shall be credited with any revenue in excess of the upper limit of the Applicant’s allowed range of return on rate base as determined by the Board and that, for 2000 and subsequent years, all earnings in excess of 10.46 per cent rate of return on rate base shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Board, be credited to the Excess Revenue Account; and


WHEREAS the Applicant’s financial results for 2000 without adjustment yields a return on rate base for 2000 in excess of 10.46 per cent; and


WHEREAS the amount of revenue the Applicant has credited to the Excess Revenue Account, as at December 31, 2000 is $6,733,000 (the “Excess Revenue”); and


WHEREAS by definition, and pursuant to Order No. P. U. 25 (1999-2000), the Excess Revenue shall be disposed of in a manner determined by the Board; and


WHEREAS the Board received an application on February 8, 2001, wherein the Applicant proposes that the Excess Revenue be disposed of through a rebate to its customers of 1.90% of customers’ total billing amounts, inclusive of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), on electric service bills issued during the period January 2000 to December 2000 by means of a one-time credit on customers’ April 2001 electric service bills; and


WHEREAS the total proposed amount to be rebated to customers is $7,743,000 consisting of the Excess Revenue of $6,733,000 and HST of $1,010,000; and


WHEREAS the Board retained its financial consultant, Bill Brushett, C.A., Partner, Grant Thornton, to review the Application and supporting documentation and provide a report on the accuracy and appropriateness of the following items:

i)                    Calculation of the return on rate base;

ii)                   The determination of the amount of the excess revenue; and

iii)                 The methodology used to calculate the rebate to customers;



WHEREAS the report produced by Grant Thornton was filed on March 9th, 2001, as Exhibit “A” to the Affidavit of William Brushett, C.A.; and


WHEREAS the Grant Thornton report confirmed the accuracy and the calculations of the return on rate base and the Excess Revenue and also found that the methodology used to calculate the rebate to customers was reasonable; and


WHEREAS, after public notice, the Board conducted a public hearing on March 12, 2001 to consider the application in its Hearings Room in St. John’s; and


WHEREAS Ian F. Kelly, Q.C., and Peter Alteen were present as Counsel for the Applicant; and


WHEREAS Randall Pelletier was present as Counsel to the Board; and


WHEREAS evidence in support of the application was presented by Barry Perry, Vice-President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Applicant; and


WHEREAS the proposed disposition of the Excess Revenue is consistent with generally accepted sound public utility practice and reflects an appropriate balance between the interests of the Applicant and its customers that is in accordance with the Act, the EPCA, and Orders of the Board made pursuant thereto.




1.      The balance in the Applicant’s Excess Revenue Account, as at December 31, 2000, of $6,733,000 be rebated to customers, together with HST of $1,010,000, through a one-time credit to each of its customers on their April 2001 electric service bills of 1.90% of the customer’s total billing amounts on electric service bills issued during the period January 2000 to December 2000.


2.      The Applicant file with the Board on or before June 30, 2001 a report showing the actual disposition by rate class of the Excess Revenue Account and any amounts not distributed.


3.      The Applicant file with the Board at least three days in advance of the first April billing in which the rebate will be credited, a copy of any billing insert or other information, as well as copies of any other public communiqué or press release to be distributed in connection with this matter.


4.   The Applicant shall pay the expenses of the Board arising out of this application.



DATED at St. John’s, Newfoundland this 15th day of March, 2001.






                                                                                                Robert Noseworthy, P.Eng.,

                                                                                                Chair & Chief Executive Officer.




                                                                                                Darlene Whalen, P.Eng.,





                                                                                                Don R. Powell, C.A.,





G. Cheryl Blundon,

Board Secretary.

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