P.U. 16 (2001-2002)





R.S.N. 1990, c. P-47, as amended

(“the Act”)



IN THE MATTER OF the application by

Newfoundland Power Inc. (“the Applicant”)

for approval of a contribution in aid of

construction for a line extension to serve

Seasonal Customers (“the Customers”) pursuant

to section 41(5) of the Act.





WHEREAS the Applicant is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a public utility within the meaning of the Act, and is subject to the provisions of the Electrical Power Control Act, 1994; and


WHEREAS the Customers are located on Gull Pond near the Town of Stephenville and consist of thirteen Seasonal Customers; and


WHEREAS the Customers have requested that the Applicant provide their residences at Gull Pond with single-phase electrical service which, in order to so provide, requires the construction of a single-phase extension of 683 metres (the “Extension”); and


WHEREAS the Extension will not be jointly used by the Applicant and Aliant Telecom Inc.; and


WHEREAS a Contribution in Aid of Construction (“CIAC”) of the New Extension has been calculated in accordance with Clauses 5(b) and 5(c) of the CIAC Policy:  Distribution Line Extensions To Residential and Seasonal Residential Customers, approved by Order No. P.U. 7 (1997-98) dated the 30th day of September, 1997 (the “Policy”), and the CIAC thus calculated is One thousand, seven hundred, twenty-six dollars and six cents ($1,726.06), including HST; and


WHEREAS Clause 12(c) of the Policy states that all CIACs for Main Line extensions for primarily seasonal residential customers be submitted to the Board for approval; and


WHEREAS the proposed CIAC is necessary to ensure that the Applicant’s investment in the Extension is compensatory over the useful life of the Extension and will not be to the detriment of the Applicant’s other customers; and


WHEREAS the proposed expenditures on the Extension are necessary for the Applicant to provide service and facilities to the Customers which are reasonably safe and adequate and just and reasonable as required pursuant to s. 37 of the Act.






Pursuant to Section 41(5) of the Act, the Board approves the contribution in aid of construction in the amount of One thousand, seven hundred, and twenty-six dollars and six cents ($1,726.06), including HST, as calculated under the Policy.


DATED at St. John's, Newfoundland, this 21st day of August, 2001.








Darlene Whalen, P.Eng.








G. Fred Saunders







G. Cheryl Blundon,

Board Secretary

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