3 (2001-2002)
R.S.N. 1990, c. P-47, as amended
(“the Act”)
IN THE MATTER OF the application by
Newfoundland Power Inc. (“the Applicant”)
for written consent to abandon a part of its
distribution line (the “Line”) pursuant to
Section 38
of the Act.
Applicant is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a public utility within the meaning
of the Act, and is subject to the provisions of the Electrical Power Control Act, 1994; and
WHEREAS the Applicant advised the Board that the Line
consists of a nine-kilometre section of the Riverhead distribution feeder
(RVH-02) which was used to serve approximately 200 customers in the communities
of St. Joseph’s, O’Donnells, New Bridge, Forest Field and surrounding area (the
“St. Joseph’s Area”) and a seven-kilometre section of the Blaketown
distribution feeder (BLK-02) which was used to serve approximately 500
customers in the communities of Colinet, Harricott, Mount Carmel, Mitchell’s
Brook, St. Catherine’s and Salmonier and surrounding area (the “Colinet Area”);
WHEREAS the Applicant advised the Board that the Line
is approximately 30 years old and its deteriorated condition has contributed to
poor service reliability in the St. Joseph’s and Colinet Areas; and
WHEREAS the Applicant advised the Board that it has
reviewed available alternatives to improve the reliability of service to
customers in both areas and has chosen to construct a new substation at St.
Catherine’s and serve the St. Joseph’s and Colinet Areas over newly-constructed
distribution feeders; and
WHEREAS the Applicant advised the Board that it has
de-energized the Line and proposes to decommission it as the Line is no longer
used and useful; and
WHEREAS the Applicant advised the Board there
are no customers, or potential customers, of the Applicant who will be affected
by removal of the Line; and
Applicant advised the Board that the removal of the Line from service
will not adversely affect the reliability of service to customers in the
Applicant’s service territory nor will it impair the ability of the Applicant
to provide electrical energy in its service territory as required by Section 54
of the Act; and
WHEREAS Section 38 of the Act requires the written
consent of the Board to abandon part of a line, which consent shall only be
given after notice is provided to an incorporated municipal body interested;
WHEREAS on March 8th, 2001 the Board was
advised that on November 23, 2000, the Applicant notified representatives of
the Community of Riverhead, the Town of St. Joseph’s, the Town of Colinet, and
the Town of Mount Carmel, Mitchell’s Brook and St. Catherine’s, the four
municipalities directly adjacent to the sections of RVH-02 and BLK-02 being
dismantle, of its intention to retire these sections of line from service, and
the reasons therefore; and
WHEREAS subsequently, representatives from the Town of
Colinet requested a meeting to discuss the Applicant’s plans to retire the
section of the BLK-02 distribution feed, and the Applicant did not receive any
questions or expressions of concern from the other three municipalities; and
WHEREAS the Board was advised that on January 9th,
2001, the Applicant met with representative of the Town of Colinet, who
expressed concern over the impact the retirement of that section of BLK-02 may
have on the potential future development should the Town seek to expand along
Route 81, while there are no firm development plans at this time; and
WHEREAS the Board was advised that the Applicant
advised the Town that, in the absence of firm development plans, it would not
be safe to leave a deteriorated de-energized line in place for an extended
period of time; and
WHEREAS upon receipt of the Application dated March 8,
2001, and reading the affidavit of Alphonsus J. Delaney, sworn to at St.
John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland, on the 8th day of March,
2001, and filed therein, on March 15th and again on March 30th , 2001,
the Board wrote to the Community of Riverhead, the Town of St. Joseph’s, the Town of Colinet, the Town
of Mount Carmel, Mitchell’s Brook and St. Catherine’s, the Local Service
District of O’Donnell’s, and the Local Service District of Forest
Field-Newbridge, requesting any questions or concern with respect to the
Application; and
WHEREAS the Board received no responses by the deadline
date of April 5, 2001, and;
WHEREAS on May 7, 2001, the Applicant filed additional
information with the Board as to the Line locations.
Pursuant to Section 38 of the Act, the Board consents to the removal of the Line from service in the manner set out in the Application.
DATED at St. John’s, Newfoundland, this 23rd day of May, 2001.
Robert Noseworthy,
Chair & Chief Executive Officer.
Whalen, P.Eng.,
G. Cheryl Blundon,
Board Secretary.