CHAPTER P - 47, 1990

Name of Applicant





Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Application for an Order of the Board for approval to issue Series AH" First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds.

Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a public hearing.

P. U. 1

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Application by Consumer Advocate, Dennis Browne, for an Order of the Board directing that the existing rates being charged its customers by Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited be declared as interim rates only.

Application dismissed as a result of a public hearing.

P. U. 2

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Application for an order of the Board for approval to issue up to $150,000,000 Debentures pursuant to Section 91 of the Public Utilities Act.

Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a hearing of the Board.

P. U. 3

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Application by Consumer Advocate, Dennis Browne, to resolve a disagreement between Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited over provision of responding to certain requests for information.

Request re: DMB 55 is denied. The Board's financial consultants will make available to the Consumer Advocate or his representative for their review of the Directors' Minutes which are to be examined in the presence of the consultant; DMB 18 and DMB 84 shall be made available in the applicant's offices, so that the Consumer Advocate or his representative may examine them, and with regard to DMB 71 and DMB 88 the Board directs its financial consultants to examine the survey, reports and marketing plans prepared by the Applicant, inter alia, as a result of a Conference of the Board.

P. U. 4

Referral by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on Electric Rates in the Labrador Straits Area from L'Anse au Clair to Red Bay.

MC 96-0567 accepted the recommendations of the Board in its Report to the Honourable Minister of Mines and Energy dates July 12, 1996.

The rates to be charged in the Labrador Straits Area between L'Anse au Clair and Red Bay upon interconnection with Lac Robertson hydro - electric project be the rates charged by NP; The preferential rates which apply in isolated diesel systems be no longer applicable in the L'Anse au Clair to Red Bay Area; a 30 year amortization period be selected for amortization of the capital expenditures associated with interconnection, inter alia.

P. U. 5

Referral by the Lieutenant Governor in Council on Electric Rates in the Labrador Straits Area from L'Anse au Clair to Red Bay

Statement of Account resulting from Order No. P.U. 9 (1995-96) appointing Edward Hearn, Q.C. to represent the general interests of the various classes of retail users of electricity in the L'Anse au Clair to Red Bay Area.

E. Hearn Q.C. allowed fees & disbursements fixed at $32,394.54, as a result of a meeting of the Board.

P. U. 6

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Fixing and determining rate base; determining a just and reasonable return; determining rates and depreciation; approving a revised schedule of rates, tolls, and charges; and approving revisions to the rules and regulations.

The calendar year 1997 be used as the Test Year; Inter Alia.

P. U. 7

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Approval of a revised schedule of rates, tolls, and charges; and approving revisions to the rules and regulations, pursuant to Order No. P.U. 7 (1996-97).

The Applicant is to resubmit a design of the rates to be effective January 1,1997, Inter Alia.

P. U. 8

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Approval of (1) Its 1997 Capital Budget pursuant to S.41 of the P.U. Act: (2) Its 1997 Capital Purchases, and Construction projects in excess of $50,000 pursuant to S.41(3)(a); (3) Its leases for 1997 in excess of $5,000 per year pursuant to S.41(3)(B); and (4) Its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 1997 pursuant to S.41(5).

The Applicant's Capital Budget in the amount of $ 33,204,000 is approved; The Applicant's proposed 1997 construction projects and capital purchases in excess of $50,000 are approved; The Applicant's 1997 leases in excess of $5,000 are approved; and the Applicant will present quarterly reports to the Board on its 1997 capital expenditures within 60 days from the end of each quarter.

P. U. 9

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Approval of (1) Its 1997 Capital Budget pursuant to S.41 of the P.U. Act:

(2) Its 1997 Capital Purchases, and Construction Projects in excess of $50,000 pursuant to S.41(3)(a);

(3) Its leases for 1997 in excess of $5,000 per year pursuant to S.41(3)(b); and (4) Its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 1997 pursuant to S.41(5) of the Act.

1. The Applicant's Capital budget in the amount of $32,958,000 is approved;

2. The Applicant's proposed 1997 construction projects and capital purchases in excess of $50,000 are approved;

3. The Applicant's 1997 leases in excess of $5,000 are approved;

4. The Board will deal with contributions in aid of construction when they are presented to the Board;

5. Hydro will present quarterly reports to the Board on its 1997 capital expenditures within 60 days from the end of each quarter.

P.U. 10

Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Approval of revised schedule of rates, tolls and charges; and approving revisions to rules and regulations pursuant to Order No. P.U. 7 and P.U. 8 (1996-97).

Approval granted ,as requested, effective January 1,1997, Inter Alia.


Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Application for in interim Order to adjust the rates charged Newfoundland light & Power Co, Ltd and Hydro's Rural Customers to reflect the cost decreases which will flow from the implementation of the Harmonized Sales Tax pursuant to Section 75 of the Public Utilities Act.

(a) Approval be that the amount of $123,083 be credited to NLP on Hydro's monthly invoices from and including April 1997 until further ordered by the Board.

(b) Upon the resulting adjustment being made to NLP's rates, pursuant to a subsequent Order of the Board, Hydro's Rural Island Interconnected rates be adjusted to NLP's rates; and

(c) upon the resulting adjustment to NLP's rates, Hydro's Rural Isolated Diesel rates be adjusted; Inter Alia.


Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Application for the approval of the balance of the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31,1996 pursuant to Sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.

The Applicants Weather Normalization Reserve of a Negative Balance of $2,705,373 as at December 31,1996 be approved.


Newfoundland Light & Power Co. Limited

Application for in interim Order to adjust the rates charged Customers to reflect the cost decreases which will flow from the implementation of the Harmonized Sales Tax pursuant to Section 70(1) of the Public Utilities Act.

Approval granted, as requested, as a result of a meeting of the Board.
