  From NLH - Updated Project Schedule for L'Anse au Diable Grounding Station and Wave Study for Dowden's Point Grounding Station - 2022-12-19
  From NLH - Hydro's Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-12-08
  To Parties - Filing Schedule for Requests for Information - 2022-12-05
  The Liberty Consulting Group Seventeenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-12-01
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Seventeenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-12-01
  From NLH - Near-Term Reliability Report - November 2022 - 2022-11-15
  From NLH - Hydro's Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-11-03
  From NLH - Hydro’s Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-10-06
  From NLH - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - 2022 Update -2022-10-03
  From NLH - Hydro's Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-09-08
  From NLH - Design Review for L'Anse au Diable and Dowden's Point Grounding Stations - 2022-07-25
  From NLH - Hydro's Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-08-05
  From NLH - Design Review for L'Anse au Diable and Dowden's Point Grounding Stations - 2022-07-25
  From NLH - Hydro's Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-07-07
  From NLH - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - 2022 Update - Filing Delay - 2022-06-15
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - Revision 1 - 2022-06-02
  From NLH - Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2022 - 2022-05-16
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Fifteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-05-10
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Fifteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-05-06
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-05-05
  To Parties - Assessment to Determine the Potential Long-Term Viability of the Holyrood Thermal Generation Station Report - 2022-04-29
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-04-07
  To NLH - The Liberty Consulting Group Fourteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - Update - 2022-04-04
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Follow up to Board's letter dated March 16, 2022 - 2022-03-28
  To NLH - The Liberty Consulting Group Fourteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - Questions - 2022-03-16
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Fourteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-03-16
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Fourteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2022-03-11
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-03-03
  From NLH - Additional Considerations of the LIL Reliability Assessment and Outcomes of the Failure Investigation Findings - Additional Info - 2022-02-04
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-02-03
  To NLH - December 22, 2021 Report - 2022-01-20
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2022-01-14
  From NLH - Additional Considerations of the Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment and Outcomes of the Failure Investigation Findings - 2021-12-22
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-12-02
  From NLH - Root Cause Analysis Report for the L’Anse au Diable Grounding Station Phase 2 Breakwater - 2021-11-30
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Thirteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-11-18
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Thirteenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-11-17
  From NLH - Near-Term Reliability Report - November 2021 - 2021-11-15
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-11-04
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-10-07
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment - Update - Design Review Pertaining to L’Anse au Diable Electrode Site - 2021-09-24
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-09-02
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-08-13
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Twelfth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-08 -02
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Twelfth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-07-30
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment - Update - 2021-07-30
  To Parties - Update and Filing Schedule for Requests for Information - 2021-07-06
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-06-03
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Failure Investigation Reports - January and February 2021 - 2021-05-31
  From NLH - Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2021 - 2021-05-17
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Eleventh Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-05-11
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Eleventh Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2021-05 -11
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-05-06
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment - Further Information - 2021-04-30
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment Summary Report - Revision 1 - 2021-04-13
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment - Response to Questions - 2021-04-12
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-04-08
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link March 4, 2021 Update - Hydro's Response to Questions - 2021-03-30
  To NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment - 2021-03-25
  From NLH - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - 2021 Update - 2021-03-16
  From NLH - Labrador-Island Link Reliability Assessment Summary Report - 2021-03-12
  To NLH - Labrador-Island Link March 4, 2021 Update - Questions - 2021-03-09
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-03-04
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - Further Update - 2021-02-15
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-02-04
  To NLH - Information Required for Monthly Reports - 2021-01-19
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2021-01-07
  To Parties - Enclosing Liberty’s Sixth Monthly Monitoring Report and Implementation of Quarterly Monitoring Reports - 2020-12-21
  To Parties - Filing Schedule - 2020-12-17
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-12-03
  To NLH - Board's Reply to Request to Change Filing Date - 2020-11-25
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s Nov 21, 2019 correspondence and Request to Change Filing Date - 2020-11-24
  To Parties - Enclosing Liberty's Monthly Monitoring Report - 2020-11-18
  To Parties - Enclosing Liberty's Monthly Monitoring Report - 2020-10-26
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-10-26
  To NLH - Request for Further Information - 2020-10-08
  From NLH - Comprehensive List and Filing Schedule - 2020-10-02
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board's November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-09-28
  To NLH - Request for Further Information and Filing Schedule - 2020-09-18
  To Parties - Enclosing Liberty's Monthly Monitoring Report on Integrating LCP Facilities into the IIS and Hydro Preparations for Winter - 2020-08-31
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-08-25
  To Parties - Enclosing Liberty's Monthly Monitoring Report on Integrating LCP Facilities into the IIS and Hydro Preparations for Winter - 2020-08-05
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-07-24
  From NLH - Response to The Liberty Consulting Group Summary of and Comments on Labrador-Island Link Study Reports Issued in April 2020 – 2020-07-24
  To NLH - Board’s request to provide response to The Liberty Consulting Group’s Comments on Hydro’s May 15, 2020 Near Term Reliability Report - 2020-07-15
  To CA - Board’s Reply to Consumer Advocate’s June 30, 2020 request to file Requests for Information - 2020-07-03
  From NLH - Advising of Hydro’s timeline to submit schedule in response to recommendations contained in Liberty’s Summary of and Comments on LIL Study Reports Issued in April 2020 - 2020-07-03
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Comments on Hydro’s May 2020 Near Term Reliability Report - 2020-07-03
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report-Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-06-25
  To NLH - Request for Proposed Timeline regarding The Liberty Consulting Group’s recommendations contained in The Liberty Consulting Group’s Summary of and Comments on LIL Study Reports Issued in April 2020 - 2020-06-17
  To Parties - Enclosing The Liberty Consulting Group Summary of and Comments on Labrador Island Link (LIL) Study Reports Issued in April 2020 - 2020-06-17
  NLH - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study Review - Distribution List - Updated - 2020-06-09
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Summary of and Comments on LIL Study Reports Issued in April 2020 - 2020-06-09
  To Parties – Enclosing Filing Schedule - 2020-06-09
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report- Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-05-26
  To NLH - Advising that Liberty will provide report on the Near-Term Reliability Report dated May 2020 - 2020-05-25
  To NLH - Liberty's Tenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - Implementation of Monthly Monitoring - 2020-05-25
  From The Liberty Consulting Group - Tenth Quarterly Monitoring Report - 2020-05-19
  From NLH - Near-Term Reliability Report - May 2020 - 2020-05-15
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report- Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-04-27
  To NLH - Board’s request to provide information relating to the LIL schedule in response to March 25-27, 2020 correspondence - 2020-03-30
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Info Regarding the Soldiers Pond Synchronous Condenser in response to Board’s Nov 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-03-27
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report - Schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-03-25
  From NLH - Reply to Board’s Request for Further Information - 2020-03-17
  To NLH - Further to The Liberty Consulting Group Ninth Quarterly Monitoring Report - Board’s requirement to release Independent Third Party Report - 2020-03-06
  To NLH - Further to The Liberty Consulting Group Ninth Quarterly Monitoring Report - Request for Further Information - 2020-03-05
  To Parties - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study Review – Enclosing updated distribution List - 2020-03-04
  To Parties - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study Review - Advising of Intervenors, Record and Proceeding - 2020-03-03
  To NLH - Regarding Hydro’s February 25, 2020 update on ongoing work - Board’s request for further information - 2020-02-27
  From NLH - Monthly Status Report regarding the schedule for the LIL in response to the Board’s November 21, 2019 correspondence - 2020-02-25
  From NLH - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - Update of Ongoing Work - 2020-02-25
  From NLH - Response to Liberty's Comments on the November 15, 2019 Update - 2019-12-13
  From Liberty Consulting Group - Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study - Comments on November 15, 2019 Update Response to Recommendations - 2019-12-05
  To NLH - Enclosing Liberty's Comments on November 15, 2019 Update Response and Request for Comments - 2019-12-05
  From NLH - Further Information and Continued Quarterly Monitoring Reports in 2020 - NLH Reply - 2019-11-29
  To NLH - Further Information and Continued Quarterly Monitoring Reports in 2020 - 2019-11-21
  From NLH - Liberty Recommendations - Hydro's Response to Board's Letter dated October 22, 2019 - 2019-10-31
  To NLH - Liberty Recommendations - Further Information - 2019-10-22
  From CA - Liberty Recommendations - Comments - 2019-10-11
  From IC - Liberty Recommendations - Comments - 2019-10-08
  To NLH - TP-TN-068 Technical Note - Follow-up to NLH letter dated Sept 4, 2019 - 2019-10-04
  To NLH -TP-TN-068 Technical Note - 2019-10-04
  From NP - Liberty Recommendations - Comments - 2019-10-04
  From NLH - Libertys Recommendations - Comments - 2019-09-27
  To NLH - Liberty Recommendations - Request for Comments - 2019-09-12
  To Parties - Liberty Recommendations - Request for Comments - 2019-09-12
  From NLH - TP-TN-068 Technical Note - Hydro's Response to Board's Request for Further Information - 2019-09-04
  To NLH -TP-TN-068 Technical Note - Further Information - 2019-08-22
  To Parties - Expert Report - The Liberty Consulting Group - 2019-08-20
  From NLH - TP-TN-068 Application of Emergency Transmission Planning Criteria for a Labrador Island Link Bipole Outage - 2019-07-31