Home - Public Utilities - Compliance Filings and Reports
As part of the Board's oversight, the Board may direct the utilities to submit compliance filings and reports pursuant to legislation certain orders.
Capital Budget Related Reports
         Allowance for Unforeseen Monthly Expenditure Reports
         Use Of Allowance for Unforeseen Items
         Capital Expenditure Reports
Generation Reports
         Adjustments to Normal Hydroelectric Production Reports
         Bay d'Espoir
         Generation Adequacy Reports
         Performance of Hydro's Generating Units (12-month Rolling Average)
Rate Mitigation
Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study Review
         Reports and Studies
Labrador Island Link (LIL) Updates and Associated Reports
         Labrador-Island Link Monthly Updates
         Labrador-Island Link Quarterly Updates
         Liberty Consulting Group Reports
                  Quarterly monitoring reports on the Integration of power supply to the Island Interconnected system
                  Monthly monitoring of integrating Labrador Churchill project completion and Hydro preparations for winter
Other Reports
         Energy Supply Monthly Reports
         Annual Reports/Returns/Financial Reviews
         Capacity Assistance Reports
         Conservation and Demand Management Reports
         Curtailable Service Option Reports
         Hydro's Daily System Supply and Demand Status Reports
         Labrador East Reliability Plan Monthly Reports
         Load Forecasting Reports
         Marginal Cost Study
         Net Metering Reports
         Operational Studies
         Peer Group Performance Measure Reports
         Quarterly Regulatory Reports
         Rate Stabilization Plan Reports
         Status of the Filing of Hydro's Next General Rate Application - Quarterly Updates
         Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account Reports – Monthly Updates
         Transmission System and Terminal Station Asset Management Reports
         Winter Readiness Planning Reports
         Other Reports
The Report/Filings page includes reports and filings that have been submitted to the Board after October 1, 2018. This page is new and will be updated regularly on a go-forward basis. All reports and filings, including those received prior to October 1, 2018, may also be found on the page links to the related applications or matters in various locations on the Board’s website. If you have any difficulty in finding the documents that you are looking for please contact the Board Secretary, Cheryl Blundon by email, board@pub.nl.ca or telephone, 709-726-8600.   
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